“Somewhere Over the Rainbow” Nursery Art

A while back I made a set of 4 illustrated Subway Art prints for a nursery or children’s room.


Since then, they have gotten lots of fantastic attention, which has inspired me to continue!  The 4 original pieces (pictured above), along with all new illustrations will be sold on Fishtitch at only $3 for an 8×10!  With payment, you will have instant access to a downloadable file of the illustration that may be printed as many times as you’d like!  The file will never expire and will be in several locations, including your email inbox, for your convenience!

The newest Nursery Subway Art is…..


Stay tuned for more updates on the newest of the Nursery Subway Art illustrations!  If you have any suggestion of what you would love to see, please let me know with a comment or email!

Hint to the next illustration:

2 thoughts on ““Somewhere Over the Rainbow” Nursery Art

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